What’s to come in February 2023
We are now well in to the New Year and supposedly the worst weather period for open top motoring. In January we hold our AGM followed by our Annual Lunch. We do not have an organised club run in January thus giving members the time to fully prepare their cars for the Spring and Summer programme. Which means some of our members have exciting moments in freezing garages attempting to budge reluctant screws, bolts and nuts which haven’t moved in decades. At these moments there is nothing like a mug of hot Bovril, the last of the Christmas cake or even a drop of the hard stuff to warm the cockles. Even then nothing seems to have any effect upon the reluctant piece of metal. This of course seems to only apply to the owners of the older cars. Owners of more modern vehicles, ie this century as against last century, are running about in all weathers, snug within their hardtop cars with their heaters and demisters, even heated rear screens! Meanwhile one member has sent her car to the beauticians for a Christmas treat. Others have sent bits to specialists. We look forward to seeing all the results soon. Our first club meeting of the year will be on Monday 6th February (scroll down to the bottom of the page for times & venue) when we shall see who appears in “proper” cars. The first outing for the year will be a morning run ending with lunch at the Adam and Eve hostelry in Wragby on Sunday 19th February. From then on we have a full programme of runs through the Spring and Summer seasons.
We are taking bookings for the Viking run on Sunday 9th July. Full event information can be viewed here.All welcome. Happy Motoring